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Understanding Orthopedic Treatments

Hey everyone, my name is Belinda. When I was a young girl, I injured the muscles in my legs performing complex gymnastic moves. I was under the care of an orthopedist for several months during the recovery period. I had to complete a number of strengthening exercises to regain my range of motion and mobility. The orthopedist performed regular examinations to determine if the given treatment was working. I will use this site to talk about different orthopedic treatments. I hope you will visit my site often to learn about this fascinating subject.

Understanding Orthopedic Treatments

Care Steps For Your Stump And Prosthetic Arm

by Stanley Pierce

Adapting to the use of a prosthetic arm will require practice. Allowing your arm stump to breathe and cleaning the end of your arm and the interior and exterior of the prosthesis will minimize bacterial growth.

The Properties Of An Electric-Powered Prosthesis

Modern technology has supplied artificial limbs with characteristics that are similar to natural body parts. A prosthetic arm may contain a battery pack and a charging port, which will allow full range motion and the ability to lift and lower the arm on demand. Some prosthetic arms contain a hand attachment, which is designed to look and operate like a real hand.

A prosthesis should be fully charged each night, allowing an end user to benefit fully from the functions of an artificial limb and engage in activities throughout each day. At night, a prosthesis should be removed, cleaned, and stored somewhere safe while it is plugged in and charging.

Adequate Care For Your Stump And Your Prosthesis

When you are bathing or showering, your prosthesis should be removed and stored in a dry area. You may notice that your stump hangs downward while you are standing up and the hot steam from a bath or a shower could contribute to the expansion of your arm. The temporary swelling along the stump could make it difficult for you to attach your prosthesis.

Complete bathing or showering rituals at night and give your skin a break from the prosthesis. While your arm is airing out, skin that has formed around the stump will continue to heal and you will be able to address any redness or soreness that you experience.

Any pus-filled blisters or cracks in your skin should be reported to your orthopedist, since these visual cues could be indicative of an infection. If your arm is merely sore, due to wearing the prosthesis, this is normal and will lessen as you get adjusted to the artificial arm. After taking a bath or a shower, pat your arm dry.

Use a soft sponge or cleaning cloth to gently wipe down the exterior and interior of your prosthetic arm. Avoid getting  the wires or the battery case wet. Use warm water and some mild dish soap to remove surface stains.

Use a cleaning wand to dry the interior walls of the prothesis. Perform the same cleaning steps each evening, since sweat and dirt particles could come into contact with the materials that make up the surface of the artificial limb.
